What is Hospice Care? (VIDEO)
For many people when confronted with the news of a life-limiting or terminal illness, they may not know which way to turn.
Some choose aggressive treatments recommended to them by their physician, in an attempt to slow or cure their disease process. This could involve numerous trips to medical facilities and uncomfortable side effects.
There are some who choose not to seek aggressive treatment feeling that the possible benefits do not outweigh the negative aspects of the treatments themselves. And in some cases the severity or progression of a person's disease limits their options for any type of curative treatment.
No matter where an individual finds themselves in light of their options, when curative treatments are no longer being pursued they can always find help in hospice care.
What is hospice care?
Hospice is a philosophy of compassionate care focused on comfort and quality of life when a patient is faced with a life-limiting illness. Hospice aims to provide care in the patient's home environment, surrounded by their loved ones and what is familiar to them. For some patients, this may include care within an assisted living facility or nursing home.
Hospice helps patients make the most of every day focusing on their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. A team of medical professionals will work with the patient and their caregivers on developing a plan of care focused on their individual needs and goals.
Medications, equipment and supplies are provided based on the patient's terminal disease to help alleviate symptoms and provide comfort.
Professional services typically include:
- 24-hour nursing support
- a nurse who regularly visits the home
- a certified nursing assistant to help with hygiene and personal care
- a physician
- a social worker
- a chaplain
- and bereavement support
Other services may be provided based on the patient's plan of care.
With the main goal of hospice being to increase the quality of life for patients with a life-limiting illness, the sooner hospice care is pursued the greater the benefit will be to the patient and their loved ones.
This material was not created to provide medical advise but to be a helpful resource for hospice education and information. Please contact a local hospice provider near you or a certified physician when seeking any medical advise for you or a family member. Visit www.hospice101.com for more free printable resources and to find a hospice care provider near you.
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